Thursday, February 24, 2011

Submissions Policy

The Bridge Is Out thanks you for taking the time to write about your experience. We are aware that your story is probably one of heart ache, loneliness and confusion.

TBIO respects that and wants all our contributors to feel safe and comfortable here.
This is why we have a careful submissions policy.

We believe that if you have a history of spiritual abuse or a church has done harm to you and your family in any way, you should be treated with gentleness and respect.

Please read the Submission Guidelines before writing your story. Stories may be emailed to, and will be reviewed by the administrators to make sure that it meets the Submissions Policy and the Mission Statement of this blog. The submissions will be checked for spelling errors and readability. For example, if an article we receive has no paragraph breaks, breaks will be inserted for better readability on the blog. A copy will be emailed to you for your approval before posting. Your submission will not be shared outside of the blog administrators before being published.

Please refrain from direct naming of third parties. Provide only facts, all the facts, even if includes some mistakes you made. We ask that you include your name; however, TBIO understands that some may choose to not have their names published because of family still attending or to protect the identity of innocent people.